include paths

Chin Chee-Kai
Sun Mar 2 19:04:00 GMT 1997

Do be careful and avoid placing something like

	mount d:/ /d

in your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT.  I have a second D: drive by Seagate
and once I tried mounting just that and when I rebooted,
I got error messages during boot-up (while the screen was still
in text mode on its way to Win95's bootup):
	Sector Read Error:
	Abort, Retry, Fail?

After the initial panic (I thought my drive was corrupted by
mount), I "failed" it for about 4 times and fortunately the
system booted up eventually and I was able to remove the "mount"
from AUTOEXEC.BAT, after which the problem disappeared.

I'm not sure if it generalizes to other drives as well, but
I think my mistake was like trying to "mount" before NFS was
running on a Unix machine (I should've known better :) ).

Anyway, said here just so you'll avoid my mistake.

Chin Chee-Kai (Last, First)
Internet Email-ID:
Gen Tech Corporation

On Fri, 28 Feb 1997, Jim Balter wrote:

> [...stuff deleted...]
> See the FAQ section "How can I get at other disks?" for use of the
> mount command that lets you avoid the double /.
> --
> <J Q B>

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