gcc for WinNT

Ron G. Minnich rminnich@sarnoff.com
Thu Mar 6 10:25:00 GMT 1997

One thing I have seen: file i/o does not always works as it does on unix. 
For example, reading from a file, 1024 bytes at a time, with a file of 
65536 bytes, will get me return values of:
1023, 1021, 1015, etc. Almost always 1024, but enough of these oddballs 
to cause trouble for programs that don't carefully check return values 
from read() (there are some of these ...). I had to fix the rtsp ref. 
port from realaudio to accomodate this strange read(2) behavior.


Ron Minnich                |"Failure is not an option" -- Gene Kranz
rminnich@sarnoff.com       | -- except, of course, on Microsoft products
(609)-734-3120             |

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