NT Scheduler & mounted drive

Sergey Okhapkin sos@prospect.com.ru
Sat Mar 8 02:17:00 GMT 1997

JP Shipherd wrote:
> go.nightly cd's to a source directory on a drive that was mounted with 
> -b and -m options.  After that it just does a make.

Is it a remote drive?

> As I said, this works fine if I type it in from the command line.  The
> scheduler also has no problems doing make on a Makefile on my local 

If schedule service is started with (default) Local System account, it can 
not access network drives. Change schedule's start-up parameters to run 
with Your account (CP/Services/Schedule/Start-Up). Moreover, cygwin's mount 
table located in HK_Current_User registry tree. Your mounts are not the 
same as another user's mounts.

Sergey Okhapkin
Moscow, Russia
Looking for a job

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