gunzip question

Jim Balter
Fri Mar 21 21:24:00 GMT 1997

Trey Jackson wrote:
> Read the FAQ, read the online mailing list archive,
> still no answer, so am sending my question here.
> I've got b17, which includes:
>    GUNZIP.EXE 1.2.4 (18 Aug 93)
>    Compilation options:
> gunzip's default behavior is to *compress* and not
> decompress.  May I ask why?  And how do I change this
> so that I do not have to type:
>    gunzip -d <file>
> every time I want to uncompress something.
> e.g. This is what I encounter:
>    C:\cygnus\H-i386-cygwin32\bin>gunzip resume.txt.gz
>    GUNZIP.EXE: resume.txt.gz already has .gz suffix -- unchanged

Subtle.  What command processor are you using?  For some reason it is
passing the command name as "GUNZIP.EXE" instead of "gunzip",
but the comparison that decides how the program was invoked
is case sensitive.  It is also possible that you have an alias, or are
invoking a batch file, or some version other than the cygwin version.
Check your path. 

<J Q B>
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