Yet another GNU-Win32 website...
Thu Aug 13 21:10:00 GMT 1998

In a message dated 8/13/98 11:54:01 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> > IMHO everyone /should/ have both /usr and /var (and /etc and 
>  > /usr/local for that matter). A standard FS layout compatible with 
>  > Unix/linux would be no bad thing...
>  There seem to be two types of GNU-win32 users.  Those who are trying
>  to make a Windows system more Unixy, and those who are trying to make
>  Unix software work under Windows.  For the latter, the closer the
>  file system stays to the windows standard the better,
Are we schizophrenic for wanting as much of both as we can get?  What windows
standard says we shouldn't have the /usr and /bin directories needed to make
either of those wishes come true?
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