bash "pregnant pauses" revisited (B19 on NT 4.0)

Arndt Schoenewald
Sun Aug 16 02:19:00 GMT 1998

Bingo! Mattias was right: after doing a `mount -b D: /D' the delays
are gone. Thank you very much! I am very happy about this solution as
the delays were quite annoying.

However, I still think this is a bug that ought to be fixed. I remember
reading that single letter //X paths were always taken to mean drive
letters, not machine names. And how comes the system tries to resolve
and access the host name "unknown"?

If the underlying problem is not easily fixable, it would be good if
these mounts were automatically created during installation.

Thanks again (also to Larry Hall for his reply),

On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 10:12:12PM +0200, Matthias Morche wrote:
> Arndt Schoenewald wrote:
> ...
> >     D:\>echo %PATH%
> >     D:\Perl\5.00502\bin\MSWin32-x86-object;D:\Perl\5.00502\bin;D:\WINNT\system32;D:\WINNT
> > 
> > And this is from a fresh bash window launched via cygnus.bat:
> > 
> >     Cygnus Cygwin32 B19
> >     bash-2.01$ echo $PATH
> >     /Cygnus/B19/H-i386-cygwin32/bin://D/Perl/5.00502/bin/MSWin32-x86-object://D/Perl/5.00502/bin://D/WINNT/system32://D/WINNT
> >     bash-2.01$
> > 
> > But even if I had a stale network drive in PATH, this wouldn't explain
> > why the prompt is often delayed when I just hit <RETURN> on an empty
> > line -- why should the shell search the PATH when there's no command
> > to execute and the prompt is a constant string?!
> ...
> In my case it tried to interpret a Drive named Y as a hostname. Maybe
> You should "mount -b D: /D", after that //D will be automatically
> reduced to /D and can't be misunderstood as a hostname. Give it a try.
> -- 
> 	Matthias Morche ( )
> 		SAT.1 ( )
> >>> Linux: the greatest adventure game since the invention of the PC <<<

Arndt Schoenewald (
IT Technology & Solutions Integrator
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