tar bug with beta-19?

Michael Mauch michael.mauch@gmx.de
Tue Aug 18 23:46:00 GMT 1998

Hi Jeff,

on Mon, 17 Aug 1998 06:41:09 -0700, you wrote:

> When I tar it up via either,
> tar -cvzf foo f.tar.gz or tar -cvf foo f.tar
> it works fine, except it excludes files that are compressed with gzip.

It works fine here with the Cygwin B 19.3 (coolview).

> I am not sure exactly what flavor of beta-19 I am running;
> is there some easy way to tell, short of getting the latest-and-greatest?

Yes, `uname -v´ gives the version of the cygwinb19.dll.

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