Flex /Flex++ problem, please Help

Michael S. Tsirkin mtsirkin@iil.intel.com
Wed May 27 21:50:00 GMT 1998

Quoting r. Oleg Volpin (oleg@cs.huji.ac.il) "Flex /Flex++ problem, please Help":
> So do you know any way of compiling this  file on Visual C++ 5.0 ?

I have fixed the skeleton by checking _WIN32 and adding windows specific
code instead of unix.
Also, fixed it for better AINSI compliance.

the skeleton is attached.

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Michael S. Tsirkin, Hanita 63/5, Haifa,Israel; 
Home:+972-4-8322219; Work:+972-4-8655658; 
mailto:mtsirkin@usa.net ; http://www.toptown.com/hp/mtsirkin/ ; 
    >   Four things are to be strengthened: Torah,and good deeds,
    >   prayer and one's good manners (Berachoth)

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