HELP! - Please

Stewart, Wayne
Fri Apr 30 18:32:00 GMT 1999

> > bash$ mount -b c: /cb
> > Warning: /cb does not exist!
> Are you trying to mount C: on "cb" ithout creating a cb
> directory?  
> If so this will fail under UNIX too.

I know it fails under UNIX, but under Cygwin it
just gives a warning - and things appear to work
OK afterwards, despite the warning.  If Cygwin
requires a directory to exist prior to the mount
in order to function properly, then this should
be an error (as on UNIX) and not a warning.

So now we have 3 questions:

1) Do you need a directory to exist before
   mounting on the directory (like UNIX), if so,
   why just a warning?

2) If you have a drive mounted twice onto two
   different directories (e.g. one with text=binary
   and the other with text!=binary), how does the
   system decide what tree you're in?  Order of
   mount entries in registry?  Always picks the
   binary tree?

3) My original cygtchsh80 problem.  Can anyone
   else reproduce it?  (It's simple to try to
   reproduce.)  If not, what could be different
   in my Cygwin setup?  mounts?  installing on
   D: ?  something else?


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