angband/menus invisible - small hello world program with resources?
Wed Aug 11 13:05:00 GMT 1999

I'm trying to compile Angband (roguelike RPG) with cygwin b. 20.

It compiles fine with mingw32, BTW. The executable runs in console-mode,
but has a menu-bar above it (file save as etc.).

With cygwin, I don't get any warnings when compiling, but the menus are
invisible. I can't even guess where to start debugging this, as I'm no
expert on windows programming. Below is a part of the makefile.

CFLAGS = -mwindows -Wall -g -O2 -DUSE_WIN -DWINDOWS

LIBS = -lgdi32 -luser32 -lwinmm -lcomdlg32

angbnd64: $(OBJS) depend.gnu angband.res
	rm -f ../angband.exe
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o angband $(OBJS) angband.res $(LIBS)

angband.res: angband.rc
	windres $< -O coff -o $@

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

the angband.res part is changed from the mingw32-version, but is as
described in the user's guide.

Can anybody see anything wrong with this? Should I have to make changes
in the source when I compile this with cygwin instead of mingw32?

Or has anybody done this before? If so, do you still have main-win.c and
the makefile?

Also very good would be a (small) hello-world program that also makes a
menu-bar. I searched the archives for this, but couldn't find anything.
The website also contains mostly unix-software, and I can use linux to
compile that. (If this works, I'm going to build a cross-compiler under
linux, but I need cygwin because mingw32 doesn't handle signals).

Thanks in advance for any pointers,

Half of the American people never read a newspaper.
Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half.
        Gore Vidal

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