Newbie to Cygwin

Kendall Bennett
Thu Aug 19 21:21:00 GMT 1999

Hi Guys,

I have installed Cygwin for the first time, and I am starting to play 
around with it. I have been using DJGPP for some time (and GCC under 
Linux), so I am not a newcomer to using GCC. However I am trying to 
build our Win32 libraries with Cygwin but I have a few questions:

 1. Our code relies on the mmsystem.h header file from Microsoft, 
however this header file does not appear to be distributed as part of 
the Cygwin package. Are the functions from this header in the Cygwin 
headers? Can I simply use the Microsoft headers from Visual C++ with 
Cygwin (will it compile them)? I see that the libwinmm.a file is 
available to link against (well the FAQ mentions it anyway).

 2. What is the usual step to compile and link resources with a 
Cygwin program? I tried the windres program on a simple resource 
files (attached), but it barfed as follows:

windres wmgldog.rc -O coff -o wmgldog.res
/C/CYGWIN/CYGWIN~1/H-I586~1/BIN/WINDRES.EXE: can't open font file 
`begin': No such file or directory
DMAKE.EXE:  Error code 129, while making 'wmgldog.res'

 3. Why is bash and the Win32 tools so so? Is there some way they can 
be sped up (I am assuming the Win32 console API's and curses are the 
main performance hit here, both of which are dog slow).


|   SciTech Software - Building Truly Plug'n'Play Software!     |
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