Libraries not working

John Garrison
Sat Jul 3 22:42:00 GMT 1999

I have just created a library using ar. I have a program that links to
the library, and have the header file included in the code. Everything
is setup properly ( I know because it compiles fine with gcc) I am using
the cross compiler on Linux version by the way.

The problem is after I try to compile the program I get a:

/tmp/cciFT7S1.o(.text+0x103):show.c: undefined reference to
undefined reference to `WinMain@16'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

IMG_Load_RW is clearly defined in IMG.h which is included in the show.c
source code. Also I have a main function and the FAQ says that if you
get the undefined reference to `WinMain@16' to include a blank main
statement, well, I am not building a library I already HAVE a main

Any ideas why it would complain about not having two things that it does

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