'find' case insensitive filenames

Glenn Spell glenn@gs.fay.nc.us
Thu Jun 3 22:03:00 GMT 1999

On Jun 04 1999 about 10:49AM +0800, Yu-Jui Lee wrote:

> This may be a stray topic. But in a Win32 environment, the
> convention with file names is case insensitive.

... and case preserving.

> While the 'find' command in cygwin b20.1 is case sensitive.

Cygwin B20.1 'find' is GNU 'find' version 4.1. The manual is
available at < http://www.gnu.org/manual/findutils-4.1/find.html >.

GNU 'find' has both case-sensitive and case-insensitive versions of
the following tests for patterns: -name/-iname -path/-ipath

> For example, if I want to find a case-insensitive "foo.bar", I
> need to type "find . -name "[Ff][Oo][Oo][Bb][Aa][Rr]". Is there a
> convenient way to do this?

find . -iname "foo*" | grep -i bar


 )      Glenn Spell <glenn@gs.fay.nc.us>      )   _       _____
 )   Fayetteville, North Carolina, C. S. A.   )_ (__\____o /_/_ |
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 )- blue skies - happy trails - sweet dreams -)             `0  |

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