where is cygwin_attach_handle_to_fd?

Charlie Benton bentonc@MailAndNews.com
Mon Jun 7 14:57:00 GMT 1999

I am trying to read from com port 19.  I could not seem to does this with the 
standard cygwin open () call.  So I am going to use CreateFile file but of 
couse this gives me a HANDLE.  Now cygwin_attach_handle_to_fd () is supposed 
to be able to covert the HANDLE to a fd so that my unix functions can read 
them but I can not seem to find the cygwin_attanch_handle_to_fd anywhere.  If 
anyone has any experience with this please help me out.

     Charlie Benton (bentonc@mail.utexas.edu)

CreateFile (
        "\\\\.\\COM19",     // address of name of the communications device
        GENERIC_READ,       // access (read-write) mode
        0,                  // share mode
        NULL,               // address of security descriptor
        OPEN_EXISTING,      // how to create
        0,                  // file attributes
        NULL                // handle of file with attributes to copy

if (0 < (fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)))

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