Missing Defines For ToolTip Control (b20)

Nirmal Prasad nprasad@truept.com
Sat Mar 20 15:10:00 GMT 1999

hi ,

the following were missing for Tool-Tip control. I have used the standard
microsoft define _WIN32_IE , should a different define be used????.Looks
like the new set of controls will be shipped with Internet Explorer instead
of the Operating System as though the operating system specific #defines
were not enough now there are browser specific defines....

/* Tool Tip Control Messages */

#ifndef _WIN32_IE
 /* Define AtLeast Version 3.0 */
 #define _WIN32_IE 0x300
#if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)   /* Should IE 3.0 support be in here ???? */
#define TTM_TRACKACTIVATE       (1041)
#define TTM_TRACKPOSITION       (1042)
#define TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR       (1043)
#define TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR     (1044)
#define TTM_GETDELAYTIME        (1045)
#define TTM_GETTIPBKCOLOR       (1046)
#define TTM_GETTIPTEXTCOLOR     (1047)
#define TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH      (1048)
#define TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH      (1049)
#define TTM_SETMARGIN           (1050)
#define TTM_GETMARGIN           (1051)
#define TTM_POP                 (1052)
#if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)   /* IE4.0 ??? */
#define TTM_UPDATE              (1053)


Nirmal Prasad R.

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