include path

Mumit Khan
Wed Nov 10 11:16:00 GMT 1999

Mike MacDonald <> writes:
> Ok, I can see where the path is all hosed up - I don't know why..  I'm
> looking at it too, any help you can give is great though..

Before I even start, let me summarize the way GCC finds its includes,
libraries and subprograms. I'm going to assume that you have no GCC 
specific environment variables defined (GCC_EXEC_PREFIX, LIBRARY_PATH,
COMPILER_PATH, ..., see GCC docs) that alter the search path.

1. Find bin directory: If you've used complete pathname, simple; if not,
   look up gcc.exe in PATH and return the path. This could be /xyz for 
   example if gcc.exe lives in /xyz and /xyz is in your PATH.


   *** Everything from here on will be relative to /xyz/../lib, so
   that must exist. ***

3. Construct list of directories to search for includes. This you can
   view when you compile a file with -v option. For C code, it'll be


   C++ also searches the following before the others: 

3. Construct list of directories to search for programs such as cpp.exe,
   ld.exe, etc that GCC calls.

   You can run `gcc -print-search-dirs' and see that for yourself.

   $ gcc -pring-prog-name=ld 

   for example will look for ld and report the full path if found by
   this search.

4. Construct list of directories to search for libraries such libgcc.a,
   libstdc++.a, etc that GCC uses during linking.

   You can run `gcc -print-search-dirs' and see that for yourself.

So, as you can see, the existence /bin/../lib is of critical importance 
when GCC is trying to find itself, and this implies that the mount table
must be consistent.

I don't have the time to go through it in detail, but hopefully I can
point out a few things.

> Cygnus Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
> Current System Time: Wed Nov 10 12:34:05 1999
> WinNT Ver 4.0 build 1381 Service Pack 4
> Path:	/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2
	This should never be in PATH. Ever.
> 	/bin
> 	/usr/X11R6.4/bin
> 	/usr/local/bin
> 	/usr/bin
> 	/c/winnt/system32
> 	/c/winnt
> 	./

I'm going to jump to the output of `gcc -print-search-dirs', and that
may provide the clue to your particular problem. BTW, please undo all
cpp.exe etc changes you've made before you try out these things. Moving
GCC internal tools (ie., ones buried under the i586-cygwin32 directories)
around is always a no-no.

> Output of gcc -print-search-dirs
> install:
> /Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/
> programs:
> /bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/:/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/:/Cygnus/cygwi
> n-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/:/Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H
> -i586-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/:/usr/lib/gcc/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/
> :/usr/lib/gcc/i586-cygwin32/:/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/../../
> ../../i586-cygwin32/bin/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/:/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwi
> n32/2.95.2/../../../../i586-cygwin32/bin/:/Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32
> /lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/../../../../i586-cygwin32/bin/i586-cygwin3
> 2/2.95.2/:/Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.
> 2/../../../../i586-cygwin32/bin/

Now here you see the GCC is looking /bin/../lib/gcc-lib/[...] for various
subprograms/specs file. On your machine, can you do the following:

  $ cd /bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i586-cygwin32/2.95.2/
  $ ls -l specs

If not, your mount table is inconsistent at best. 

I build GCC to look at /Cygnus/cygwin-b20/... when all else fails. You
should be able to do the following and make it work:
  $ mount -b d:/Cygnus /Cygnus

but this should be the last ditched effort (ie., after you've tried all
the possibilities I mention in this note).

I think I see the problem in your mount table:

> d:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\i586-cygwin32\lib  /lib     user
> binmode
> d:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\bin  /bin     user    binmode
> d:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\lib  /usr/lib  user    binmode

The /bin and /lib are not consistent with each other. This is a problem
IMO with the Cygnus has arranged the tree, and causes no end to confusion.

You also have /root mounted as /, and so on, and I'm now thoroughly 
confused. I'm a great believer of simple mount strategy.

Now try the following so that mount table inconsistencies are ignored:
  $ export PATH=//D/Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin:$PATH
  $ gcc -v

Does it still say `Using builtin specs file'? Look at the output of 
`gcc -print-search-dirs'.

Hopefully this helps a bit; the best I can do at the moment.


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