
Glenn Spell glenn@gs.fay.nc.us
Wed Nov 24 18:08:00 GMT 1999

On 24 Nov 1999 around 11:21AM (-0600) Whatley, Steven W wrote:

> I've got tin 1.4 (finally released) compiled under Cygwin.

Did it involve anything special?

BTW, what was that encoded stuff (winmail.dat) in your message?

> All I want is /usr/lib/sendmail and don't need the rest.  Any help
> will be appreciated.

I think you'll be able to just rename the following SendMail
executable to "/usr/lib/sendmail.exe". That's what I planned to do
but I haven't tried it yet.

< http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~skx/win/Free16.html >


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 )                                        )_ _ (__\____o /_/_ |
 )    Glenn Spell <glenn@gs.fay.nc.us>    )     >-----._/_/__]>
 )________________________________________)               `0  |

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