[NOT FIXED] Symbolic links & RCS -- READ IT!

Kazuhiro Fujieda fujieda@jaist.ac.jp
Tue Nov 30 23:39:00 GMT 1999

From: "Andre Oliveira da Costa" <costa at cade dot com dot br> 
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:05:37 -0200 

> ci.exe is unable to check-in files if they don't exist on the RCS dir;
> it complains about being unable to create the files on the RCS dir due to
> permission problems, and aborts leaving some temporary files around in my
> HD.

This is caused by a bug in readlink() of Cygwin B20.1. I fixed
it in the 19991013 snapshot. Please try the latest snapshot of
  | AIST      Kazuhiro Fujieda <fujieda@jaist.ac.jp>
  | HOKURIKU  School of Information Science
o_/ 1990      Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

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