inetd and "unknown service"

Corinna Vinschen
Wed Aug 2 04:25:00 GMT 2000

Reiner Suikat wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just installed Cygwin (1.1.3 release from the net) and the inetutils
> (1.3.2-5p1) on a Windows 2000 system and now I have the following problem:
> After installing inetd as a service (LocalSystem account) and generating the
> registry key as described in the doc, inetd starts up without a problem (it
> does appear twice in task manager as mentioned in the doc), but I cannot use
> any service. Whenever I try to telnet or ftp to another host, I get
> something like

The inetd has _nothing_ to do with telneting or ftping to another
host. inetd starts the corresponding services when you try to logon
from another host to _your_ machine.

> tcp/telnet  unknown service

That's a problem in your local SERVICES file. It seems to miss
the important lines for telnet and ftp:

ftp-data           20/tcp                           #FTP, data
ftp                21/tcp                           #FTP. control
telnet             23/tcp

You can find the file in $(SYSTEMROOT)/system32/drivers/etc


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer              
Red Hat, Inc.

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