Trying for a horrid configuration

Dave Whiteley
Wed Aug 2 08:39:00 GMT 2000

I work in an educational institution, and am trying to convert people
to sane software. We have to move a little step at a time. We are (at
last) moving from teaching programming using Visual C to gcc.

As a linux adict I KNOW that bash is a better way to work than, however I need to setup the laboratory machines to allow
users to use the cygwin tools from a dos command prompt, and from
within a windows flavour of xemacs.

Looking through the documentation I cannot find details of what
environmental variables need setting up to do this.

any pointer on where to find this out?

Keep up the good work,

E-Mail: Dave Whiteley <>
Date: 02-Aug-2000
Time: 16:29:41

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