openssh 2.1.1p4

Shtil, Yuri
Thu Aug 3 15:36:00 GMT 2000


I've installed it on a couple of NT boxes.

I started sshd under my account, it forked itself and looked good.
It works OK from other machines if I launch an interactive session from  MS
command window.
However if I try to execute individual commands like :

ssh host ls,

some of the .exe seem to not to produce output.

For example ssh host ls is OK

ssh host rsync is OK,

but ssh host perl -v seems to eat the output.

If I run sshd -d, then I see the output.

It looks like when sshd forks a process, many programs lose their output
when executed in one shot.

ANy clues ?

Yuri Shtil, Build/Release Engineer


Ext 7583

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