WinCVS via Corinna's SSH works & "Exporting" of env vars.

C. R. Oldham
Mon Aug 7 09:07:00 GMT 2000


I was just successful in using WinCVS to talk to a CVS server via
Corinna's OpenSSH port.  I also was employing ssh-agent, so that was
good news.  I had previously posted that I
was having trouble making that work.  Note that you must use 1.1.4 of
the cygwin DLL and set the env var CYGWIN to contain "binmode" or else
ssh converts cr/lfs and WinCVS does not understand the result.

Now, the second problem.  Ssh-agent is particularly cumbersome to use
since it is hard to get all processes on Windows to be a descendant of
it.  It appears, however, that there must be some way to export the
relevant environment variables SSH_AGENT_PID/SSH_AGENT_SOCK, etc, out to
the OS (e.g. they would be visible in the System control panel).  I
figure this must be possible since MS Developer Studio does this when it
installs, and it does not require a reboot.  Is there an easy way?

My plan was to write a batch file or somesuch that would start
ssh-agent, add the relevant identity, get the passphrase, and export the
variables to the right process space.  Then upon death of ssh-agent, the
batch file would terminate and clean up the variables.

   / Charles (C. R.) Oldham      | NCA Commission on Schools   \
  / Director of Technology       | Arizona State University     \
 / "cro at nca dot asu dot edu"  | V:480/965-8703 F:480/965-9423 \
 |                              |

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