Basic cygwin questions

Chris Faylor
Fri Aug 11 10:54:00 GMT 2000

I am sending this message to the Cygwin (Note the "C") mailing list.

I am sorry that I do not know anything about mkisofs.

As far as what Cygwin is or isn't doing with SetFileAPIsToOEM, I suggest
that you investigate the sources.  This function call was actually
eliminated in v1.1.3 of Cygwin.

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On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 12:35:23PM -0500, wrote:
>From: John Dlugosz
>I downloaded the sygwin source in an attempt to figure out some issues with
>mkisofs.  That exe ships with cygwin1.dll.  Is that significantly different
>from the current source code I'm looking at?
>Specifically, why is readdir returning characters encoded in the OEM
>character set?  The cygwin1.dll is importing SetFileAPIsToOEM from
>kernel32.dll, so presumably calling it, but I can't find any use of that
>function anywhere in the source tree (I only find the declaration and a
>line in the DEF file)?
>I'm doing this because I'm concerned with mkisofs's inability to handle
>international characters, even though the CD format it creates uses Unicode
>characters.  I also notice that mkisofs's source code is not obtaining the
>current code page.  Does sygwin provide this information somehow?  Can
>sygwin be configured to use UTF-8 encoding instead of the OEM code page?
>Maybe I can help -- I have code already that conditionally uses the Wide
>forms if available or the 8-bit forms if needed, at runtime, so it runs on
>both NT and Win9x but provides full information when available.

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