Who is the mantainer of cygipc? or is there any one could help me compiling the source codde?

Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Fri Aug 18 15:36:00 GMT 2000

Mohammed Abdel'al wrote:
> Hi all
> Every time I try to recompile the cygipc-1.05 source code I get plainty of errors
> Who is the mantainer? or have any of u compiled the source code successfull so he helps me to finish this task
> I know that the binaries exists but I prefare to compile the whole thing on my machine
> and because the binary exists I belive that there is some one who did the job and can guid me

<rant mode>

Why did you send this message to 


Do you really think any of those people care or know about cygwin, and

Did you read the web page from which you downloaded cygipc-1.05? Did you
read the README? Either one would have told you that I'm the maintainer
of that package.

Did you search the cygwin mail archives for 'cygipc'? If you had done
so, you would have seen extensive discussions *this week* concerning
cygipc compilation. Granted, the thread topic didn't say "cygipc" but
the search engine will find it. The thread topic is

"working around "more" (Was Re: what is my mistake?!!!!!)"

Please at least take SOME initiative in tracking down existing
information before posting to the list.

</rant mode>

The basic thing is, ipc-daemon.c should be renamed to ipc-daemon.cc,
since it includes strace.h.  Strace.h is part of the main cygwin
package, and was converted to C++ code as of March 7, 2000. See,
anything on the cygwin platform, especially something as low-level as
IPC, is trying to run on an intrinsically moving target -- since Chris,
DJ, Corinna et. al. are continually improving and modifying the
cygwin1.dll. So, as cygwin1.dll is improved, other things break. This is
one of them.

Anyway, renaming ipc-daemon.c to ipc-daemon.cc exposes certain other
bugs in cygipc's include/IpcNtExt.h -- things that are valid C code but
are illegal C++ code. 

This information was only discovered this week, so I haven't had time to
track it down yet. I will gladly accept patches if you manage to fix it
yourself, now that you know the issues and where to look to squash the

Check the thread mentioned above in the mail archives for more


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