Windows98 error message with gcj : abnormal termination ...

Sun Aug 20 02:56:00 GMT 2000

	I just download the last version of cygwin and gcj. When I try to run the 
java Helloworld program compiled with -mno-cygwin option, Windows98 gives 
the abnormal termination message error ....   like this (in french):

HELLOWORLD a cause une defaillance de page (page fault) dans
  le module CYGWIN1.DLL à 0167:610011a3.
Registres :
EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=610011a3 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=00000004 SS=016f ESP=0287fdd0 EBP=0287fdd8
ECX=00000001 DS=016f ESI=00000000 FS=3b87
EDX=00000000 ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Octets à CS : EIP :
8b 13 85 d2 75 f7 83 eb 04 39 f3 76 0b 8b 03 83
Etat de la pile :
008505c4 8174a454 0287fdf8 61002924 00000000 00000000 7fc0100c 0040101f 
00470000 00470004 0287fe08 0040130f 8174a454 00850060 0287fe28 004011e1

When I try without the option -mno-cygwin, nothing!!, even in a DOS windows 
without the option.

A hello C program  work well in both cases, -mno-cygwin or without.

Without option, running hello program in DOS box produces a windows 
message: DLL file request, CIGWIN1.DLL not found. I suppose it's OK when 
reading FAQ.
With option the hello program run well in both cases, DOS and CYGWIN boxes.

Best Regards
Christian CORMIER

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