bash hangs on WinNT Service Pack 5
Fri Jan 21 15:20:00 GMT 2000

>How do anti-virus programs like Cygwin?
> One person reported that McAfee VirusScan for NT (and >others?) is
> incompatible with Cygwin.

I have run cygwin extensively along with McAfee and Norton antivirus programs, and have not seen an outright failure associated with them.  As McAfee is set up on my system, it simply does a static scan of files on boot and periodically, and so of course the performance of cygwin is unacceptable while that is happening.  Norton, in addition, intervenes each time a .exe is started, so it becomes necessary to disable it while running cygwin in order to get satisfactory performance.  A full static file scan on a drive full of cygwin files may take 1 hr per GB with the new 90 day free license version of Norton; possibly the new features take longer than the old one.

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