linking windows dll with cygwin gcc
Fri Jul 7 14:50:00 GMT 2000

Sorry, I don't know anything about the product you're using, but this may
work for you.
Support has been added for direct use of MS .lib files for your imports (I
suspect your product probably has those).

> make cli1.exe
gcc  -g -mthreads -I. -I/db2src/test -I/sqllib/include cli1.c
/SQLLIB/lib/db2api.lib /SQLLIB/lib/db2apie.lib /SQLLIB/lib/db2cli.lib
/db2src/test/libxa.a /db2src/test/libtps.a
mv a.exe cli1.exe

I've been using this and having really good luck.
GCC version: gcc-2.95.2-2.tar.gz

I got an interesting exception in one certain circumstance when I added a
new function from a different DLL but I couldn't track it down and worked
around it in some other fashion.

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