PS1 and Window title

Michael Ring
Tue Jul 11 07:42:00 GMT 2000

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 08:30:33 -0600, you wrote:

>I set `PS1' as
>PS1='\e]0;\H:\w\007GENERIC> '
>It works fine for small line command.
>But if the line command is to long (higher then half a line)
>strange behaviours happen:
>1] a second line emerges;
>2] the terminal code appears in clear;
>3] the command line editor goes crazy
>Note that the title remains
>Any idea ?
>Jerome BENOIT

Although you don't see the escape-codes in your prompt they are taken
into account when calculating the length of the current commandline it
seems. I solved the problem in the following way:

xtitle ()
        echo -n -e "\033]0;$*\007"

if [ "x$TERM" = "xxterm" ]; then

PS1='\u@\h{\w} '

PROMPT_COMMAND gets executed each time a new prompt-line is generated.

Hope that helped,

Michael Ring

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