cygwin1.dll (v1.1.2): dup2() with invalid newfd lead to exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

Robert Collins
Mon Jun 26 06:40:00 GMT 2000

    you can work around this with my patch for Squid for NT, which works
around thisthis, and fixes an issue with non-blocking io. You can get it via
CVS from or as a diff and with instructions
from . You will need autoconf, automake
and perl as well - I suggest you get them via rebum's cygwin rpm pages.


Subject: cygwin1.dll (v1.1.2): dup2() with invalid newfd lead to exception:

I have loaded the last version of the environment CygWin and attempted to
compile SQUID-2.3.STABLE3. In the configurator SQUID there is a piece of the
code: " checking Maximum number of filedescriptors we can open ", this code
utillize the function dup2(), which one with invalid value of argument
reduces to in crash of the program instead of returning an error code.
Piece of this code:

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