include incompatibilities
Thu Jun 29 14:22:00 GMT 2000

I had lamented about incompatible changes in include files.
May I repeat the practical essence of my previous mail which is the 
question: How can these things be detected by #ifdef's without 
referring to actual system specifics as below?

#include <errno.h>
#ifdef __CYGWIN__	/* and version > something ... ! */
#define sys_nerr _sys_nerr
#define sys_errlist _sys_errlist

(On "classical" systems, the exported names are without underlines - 
why do these name manglings have to be imposed on us?)


: I installed a complete new Cygwin 1.1.1 now, and uninstalled B20.
: As my application did not work anymore it seemed I had to recompile it.
: First, it did not compile anymore.
: There was a recent mail here apparently related to the problem 
: about sys_errno and sys_errlist. Obviously someone thought it would be 
: fun just to rename these two and waste thousands of developers' time 
: world-wide (who have to adapt their software after finding out what's 
: going on) by introducing incompatibilities with long-established Unix 
: standards. Or is there any real reason for this game?
: Now, it does compile but only with a warning about this completely 
: superfluous "const" stuff in the new errno definition. I was annoyed 
: already when the SuSe Linux distribution had introduced some similar 
: nonsense (and some other nonsense where #include <linux/termios.h> is 
: now needed instead of just <termios.h>).
: All this voguish "assumedly-modern C" junk only increases portability 
: problems and wastes developers' time. It's nothing but a nuisance.
: Could people who play around with definitions in an incompatible way 
: please at least provide information on how to detect their patch with 
: #ifdef's? I have no idea how to handle the "const" crap in a general way.
: Kind regards,
: Thomas Wolff

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