make[5]: execvp: C:/Cygwin/bin/bash.exe: No more processes

Chris Faylor
Fri Oct 6 11:37:00 GMT 2000

On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 10:14:29AM -0700, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>--- Chris Faylor <> wrote:
>> That's a shame.  It's likely that there will be problems in the next release
>> if no one tests the snapshots.
>And a lot of work has been done to improve Cygwin.  I'm currently using a the
>most recent snapshots with no problem.  It also feels faster, I can display a
>colorized long listing of the /usr/bin directory upon a fresh start of Cygwin
>in ~3.6 seconds with the process getting only 10 - 11 percent of the CPU.  Due
>to some brilliant path caching a subsequent issue of the same command will
>finish in ~1.8 seconds.

It would be interesting to see if you notice any speed improvements by mounting
any directory containing cygwin executables with the '-X' option.  This informs
the cygwin1.dll v1.1.5 that it can pass arguments around using UNIX conventions
for argv and the environment.  So, it doesn't have to spend time quoting arguments
or munging environment variables.

For directories containing non-cygwin executables, mounting using the '-x' option
should also cause a slight increase.  That would stop cygwin from opening file
to look for a '#!' in the case of non .exe files.  This is also the case for '-X'
mounted directories, of course.

The '-x' option actually should work for 1.1.4, too.

Also, check out the 'ps -W' command.  It lists all processes rather than just
Cygwin processes.

Now, if only it all worked on NT 3.5... :-(


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