cooperation of cygwin and NuTCracker ??

Earnie Boyd
Thu Oct 12 04:40:00 GMT 2000

--- Frank Moehle <Frank.Moehle@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> wrote:
> Earnie Boyd wrote:
> > 
> > I don't know NuTCracker but I do see a problem.
> > > LIBRARIES = -l<our own stuff.a> -lm
> > >
> > 
> > The problem is that you've use -lm.  Currently the libm.a is a symbolic
> link to
> > libcygwin.a and ld can't manage the same library with different names. 
> Remove
> > the -lm and see if that helps.
> I removed the -lm line, but i still get the crash from the DLL that uses
> NuTCracker.

Good (that you removed it).

> To those of you who never heard about this "NuTCracker" thing:
> NuTCracker is "another" unix porting enviroment similar to cygwin.
> But it is also possible to port X11 application with NuTCracker,
> and it's also more expensive :-(

Check out the xfree project at

> Back to my problem:
> Now i have to sides, which both have different POSIX implementations.
> My hope is that these implementations do not interfere with each other,
> something like this
>    our code +            |      anaport.dll (external)
>      cygwin1.dll   [DLL border]     +
> (printf, malloc, etc)    |      NutCracker libc
> In fact, i do not even know if such a "DLL borderline" exists on NT.
> Is there some mechanism that allows a library to only export
> certain functions, and use some other external stuff privately only?
> Using "objdump -p" on the external DLL, i get a huge number of lines,
> starting with the one quoted below (second dump).
> What i understand is that the DLL needs a lot of "standard"
> function like printf, malloc, etc from another DLL called "nutlibc4.dll".
> Does this interfere with the function from cygwin1.dll, which our program is 
> compiled against ??
> btw, we are using cygwin 1.1.4

It ain't likely to work.  Mixing two C runtimes is bad news.  Can you use
anaport without the nut*.dll?  It looks as if the functions needed C functions
may be supported by Cygwin.


Earnie Boyd

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