another new setup

DJ Delorie
Thu Sep 7 17:33:00 GMT 2000

By Brian Keener:

	* dialog to let you choose *if* desktop/start menu shortcuts
          are created.

	* Fix bug with Win 9x shortcuts going in C:\

By Andrej Borsenkow:

	* Dialog to let user specify local directory for package

By Jeffrey Juliano:

	* Don't crash if you click on "No packages to install"

By DJ Delorie:

	* Don't double up package list if you "back" from the chooser.

	* Remove "1.1" version designation from shortcuts.

	* Ability to detect setup upgrades via setup.ini (once
          setup.ini is auto-generated, not yet).

Reminder to those interested in getting involved, the README in
setup's sources (src/winsup/cinstall) has the latest to-do list, which
I've copied here for your convenience.  Contact me if you want to work
on something, so I can coordinate who is working on what.

To-Do list: add field in setup.ini to specify whether package is installed
by default, or not. scan newly installed files for README files, show list to
user, let them read them if they want.

Make the site listbox bigger. add a "total progress" indicator, like the install one.

add a "category" field to setup.ini, let user choose which categories
of packages to install, perhaps with a "custom..." button to lead to
the current chooser.

remember which packages were selected to be skipped, and which prev/curr/exp
option was last selected, and recall them each time the chooser runs.

Add friendly error reporting to

Add option to download sources also.

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