Trouble in RXVT with line wrap

David A. Cobb
Wed Jul 4 07:19:00 GMT 2001

At 7/3/01 08:47 PM (Tuesday), Randall R Schulz wrote:
>Here's a little more on the promt business. It has proved popular with
>fellow nerds in my office:
>My PS1 for any terminal (emulator) that supports it (xterm, xterm-color,
>vt100, vt102, vt220, cytwin, at least) is this:
>PS1=$'\[\e]0; \u :: \W (\w)\a\]\!> '
># Note:
>#  This sequence:
>#  ESC]0;
>#      ^ zero
>#  Starts the title setting sequence. Everything from there to
>#  the CTRL-G (also "\a" within $'...') is put in the window title.
>#  Some terminal emulators (notably TeraTerm) put a pretty stingy
>#  limit on how much they'll display, but you don't have to limit
>#  the length you attempt to put there

Yes!  Works as advertised and it's a thing of beauty.

But isn't it still a bug in bash (or bash's in-built subset of readline)?

>I don't mind the information typically put into prompts, but I _hate_ to
>have it literally in the prompt!

David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate, All around nice guy.
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