fetchmail/procmail/jed -- cygwin binaries available?

Rue. SATOH rsato@ccs.co.jp
Thu Mar 15 17:41:00 GMT 2001

01031149> Thank you for the URL to your maildrop binary. Unfortunately, I'm a
01031149> newbie to Unix, and I don't know how to use RPM -- heck I don't even know
01031149> what it means and what it does. My only exposure to Unix so far has been
01031149> 3 months on FreeBSD, and 2 weeks on Cygwin. Soooo, when using RPM, do I
01031149> need to compile anything? I installed a minimal Cygwin, so I don't have
01031149> gcc or Perl -- is that a problem? Thanks for your patience and
01031149> understanding! Regards....

OK. First, you should install gcc, make, binutils and other
development tools.  You must install gdbm too because maildrop use

Then, get maildrop's source tarball from
http://www.flounder.net/~mrsam/maildrop/ (I compiled version 1.2.2.).

I attach my *dirty* patch for maildrop to this email. 
Extract the tarball, and apply this patch to sources.

How to build:

$ tar zxvf maildrop-1.2.2.tar.gz
$ cd maildrop-1.2.2

$ patch -p1 < maildrop-1.2.2-cygwin.patch
$ ./configure --with-devel --enable-userdb --enable-maildirquota \
           --enable-syslog=1 \
           --enable-trusted-users='root mail daemon postmaster qmaild mmdf' \
$ make
$ make install-strip

Or, you can get rpm-3.0.6 binary and maildrop's rpm binary package
from my page.and extract this tarball at root directory.  This tarball
include a command named 'rpm2cpio'. You can install maildrop's rpm
package by following at root directory:

rpm2cpio maildrop-1.2.2-2.i686-cygwin.rpm | cpio -idv

Sorry my poor English.
Good luck!


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