Having trouble building cygwin1.dll from source

Ray Bryant raybry@timesn.com
Sat Mar 31 12:46:00 GMT 2001

I downloaded cygwin-1.1.8-2-src.tar.gz, untar'd it, ran configure in the top
level directory, then typed "make all".  After populating the i686-pc-cygwin
directories and the like, that make failed with "no rule to make "all" in
i686_pc_cygwin/winsup/cygwin.  Turns out that there was no Makefile there;
fixed that by running configure in $TOP/winsup/cygwin and symbolically
linking the resulting makefile down to i686-pc-cygwin/winsup/cygwin.  On the
next "make all", the build failed with a missing libc.a and libm.a in
newlib.  But it did make a libcygwin.a and since these other files are
symbolic links to libcygwin.a I placed symbolic links in the appropriate
places in newlib and tried again.  

I am now getting the following output, which has me completely stumped
(sorry about the ugly line splits):

g++ -gstabs+ -O2 -MD -fbuiltin -nostdlib -Wl,-shared -o new-cygwin1.dll -e
_dll_entry@12 cygwin.def asser
t.o autoload.o cygheap.o dcrt0.o debug.o delqueue.o dir.o dlfcn.o dll_init.o
dtable.o environ.o  errno.o
exceptions.o exec.o external.o fcntl.o fhandler.o fhandler_clipboard.o
fhandler_console.o fhandler_floppy
.o fhandler_mem.o fhandler_random.o fhandler_raw.o fhandler_serial.o
fhandler_socket.o fhandler_tape.o fh
andler_termios.o fhandler_tty.o fhandler_windows.o fhandler_zero.o fork.o
glob.o grp.o heap.o init.o ioct
l.o localtime.o malloc.o miscfuncs.o mmap.o net.o ntea.o passwd.o path.o
pinfo.o pipe.o poll.o pthread.o
regexp.o regerror.o regsub.o registry.o resource.o scandir.o security.o
select.o shared.o signal.o sigpro
c.o smallprint.o spawn.o strace.o strsep.o sync.o syscalls.o sysconf.o
syslog.o termios.o thread.o times.
o tty.o uinfo.o uname.o wait.o window.o longjmp.o setjmp.o
version.o \
.a  /home/raybry/src
ibc/libc.a -lgcc -lstdc++
multiple definition of `__empty'
(.text+0x0): first defined he
Cannot export __mb_cur_max: symbol not defined
Cannot export _ctype_: symbol not defined
dcrt0.o(.text+0x5f7): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
dlfcn.o(.text+0x307): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
environ.o(.text+0x147d): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
environ.o(.text+0x178a): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
fhandler_console.o(.text+0x26b8): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
fhandler_console.o(.text+0x2875): more undefined references to `_ctype_'
localtime.o(.text+0x1a1a): undefined reference to `asctime_r'
malloc.o(.text+0x175): undefined reference to `_free_r'
malloc.o(.text+0x1e8): undefined reference to `_malloc_r'
malloc.o(.text+0x2a7): undefined reference to `_realloc_r'
malloc.o(.text+0x377): undefined reference to `_calloc_r'
path.o(.text+0x6f7): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
path.o(.text+0xbfa): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
path.o(.text+0x1362): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
path.o(.text+0x1c10): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
path.o(.text+0x1c69): undefined reference to `_ctype_'
path.o(.text+0x1cb6): more undefined references to `_ctype_' follow
syscalls.o(.text+0x3a17): undefined reference to `_fwalk'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [new-cygwin1.dll] Error 1

Any suggestions on how to fix this?  Thanks.

Best Regards,

Ray Bryant
Linux Performance Analyst
Times N Systems
1908 Kramer Ln., Bld.B, Ste.P
Austin, TX 78758

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