/usr/man/man2 and /usr/man/man4 directories missing

Abhijit Patait abhijit_patait@yahoo.com
Mon Oct 1 20:32:00 GMT 2001


I recently installed cygwin. However, I do not know
why the installation program did not install all the
'man' pages. I checked in the /usr/man directory
(where 'man' looks for documentation by default when
MANPATH is empty - which is the case on my computer)
and found that the directories /usr/man/man2 and
/usr/man/man4 are missing (man1, man3, man4, man5,
man7, man8, man9 are there). The man pages that I was
looking for (those for ANSI C functions such as fread,
fwrite, etc) are probably supposed to be in those
directories and hence 'man' cannot find them.

Could someone tell me how I do I install the man pages
for everything?

Thanks in advance.


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