inconsistent inetd rsh behavior with unc paths

Peter Buckley
Fri Sep 28 12:59:00 GMT 2001

I just wanted to point out something I found while I am 
trying to get rsh to work- 

If I have //unc-path/to-my/home as my home directory 
in /etc/passwd, I CANNOT rsh to my machine when 
inetd is started as a service (whether I start it 
or SYSTEM starts it). But if I start inetd from the 
command line, rsh works fine. 

I don't know what the intended behavior is for rsh or 
inetd, but I don't understand why they work differently 
when started as a service or started from the command line. 
Maybe an environment thing? If anyone can point me in the 
right direction, I think it might help me in my quest to get 
rsh working with inetd as a service.

Peter Buckley

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