Bash bug? - piped loops using builtin echo and stdout

Stuart Brady
Tue Apr 2 06:55:00 GMT 2002

With bash, is the behaviour of "while( true ); do echo foo; /bin/echo 
bar; done | cat" defined? Is it reasonable for me to expect to see 
"foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", and so on? With an interactive bash, this 
isn't what happens when I actually type the command in (i.e. sourcing
or executing a script works fine). It only starts going wrong at around 
the 12th iteration. I can't see anything in the archives, and STFW 
didn't help either. Can anyone else reproduce this?

I'm using Win2k with Cygwin 1.3.10-1 and bash 2.05a-3. This also occurs 
on Win98 with the same versions of Cygwin and bash, but does not occur 
on Red Hat 7.2 with bash 2.05-8, nor does it occur on Red Hat 7.0 with 
bash 2.04-11. Should I post the output of cygcheck -s -r -v here, since 
I'm not sure that this is even a bug, and am reluctant to spam people?
Stuart Brady

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