DD for windows: - problem imaging a floppy disk......

Christopher Faylor cgf@redhat.com
Thu Apr 4 12:12:00 GMT 2002

On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 01:05:56PM -0700, Kevin Dahl wrote:
>Thanks for the response.........
>It looks like I was doing exactly what they said to do on the page you

Um.  No, you weren't.

>I even tried the following and it didn't work......(gave me "No Such
>File or Directory" error)
>dd if=D:\dd\boot2.img of=//device/floppy0
>dd if=D:\dd\boot2.img of=//device/fd0

Where did you get //device?  This is not what is documented.

Use /dev/fd0.  That's what is suggested in the documentation.

You'll also probably be safer using cygwin notation for all of your
filenames, i.e.:

dd if=/cygdrive/d/dd/boot2.img of=/dev/fd0

>Why is it telling me permission denied when I try it the other
>way....... ??
>dd if=D:\dd\boot2.img of=\\.\A: .......

Calm down.

The other way doesn't work anymore.  That's why there is an advisory about
Cygwin 1.3.4.


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