"Application key pad mode" in Cygwin console

Fabien Perriollat Fabien.Perriollat@cern.ch
Thu Apr 4 14:04:00 GMT 2002

Dear Cygwin developers,

I am porting a Unix package to Cygwin environment.
This package use the capability offered by xterm but also by linux
console to set the numerical key pad in "Application mode" (by sending
an escape sequence string).
This facility seem to be not available, and a quick look into the file
fhandler_console.cc and into winuser.h show me that "NUMPADxx" key
outside VK_NUMPAD5 is not handle. but only the "Numeric key pad mode"
is handle.

Do you have any plan to provide the cygwin console with this facility
similar to xterm and or linux console, our could you provide me with
any alternated way to have a similar result.

I do not found any thing in the To-Do list, nor in the archive. The only

info was in this page :

Outside this remark you have done a very good job !

Thank you in advance for your response.

Fabien Perriollat      office  18 2-036
Beam Diagnostics       mailto:Fabien.Perriollat@cern.ch
Division PS, CERN      Phone  (+41 22) 767 5044  (+41) 79 201 0561
CH-1211 Geneva 23      Fax    (+41 22) 767 8510

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