Problem with cygrunsrv

Jack Twilley
Mon Dec 9 15:36:00 GMT 2002

I have a program someone wrote me that works fine from the command
line, but doesn't work when run as a service.

The following command works from a local Windows command shell:

perflog -o c:\perflogs\diesel.csv -s 1 -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -c "\SMTP Server(_Total)\Messages Sent/sec"

The program does the right thing, writing one line every second to the
diesel.csv file containing the performance counter values mentioned on
the command line.

Here's my cygrunsrv line:

cygrunsrv -I perflog -p /cygdrive/c/WINNT/perflog.exe -t manual -a '-o c:\\perflogs\\diesel.csv -s 1 -c "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time" -c "\\SMTP Server(_Total)\\Messages Sent/sec"' 

This line returns no errors.  Here's the line I used to start the

cygrunsrv -S perflog

This took a while (quite a few seconds) but returned with a prompt.
I suspect the program partially runs, as the data file is created.
Here's the line I used to stop the service:

cygrunsrv -E perflog

This waited quite some time before returning with an error:

cygrunsrv: Error stopping a service: ControlService:  Win32 error 1061:
The service cannot accept control messages at this time.

I get a similar response when I try to remove the service.


Jack Twilley // Tier 2 Support Engineer // Brightmail Inc.
jtwilley at brightmail dot com

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