home directory problems

fergus at bonhard dot uklinux dot net fergus@bonhard.uklinux.net
Sat Feb 9 22:55:00 GMT 2002

Yes. You are probably installing on W98? I believe the problem has been
identified and solved in principle and (presumably?) the solution will at
some stage be implemented. For the moment you can get round things as

    mkdir /home/{yourname}

and move anything there that you need to, in the way of your own
.bash_profile, .bashrc, .inputrc, etc. (There may be none of these; but
whatever's currently in /usr/bin/{yourname}/ is probably specific to you.
When I experienced this problem, /usr/bin/{myname}/ was empty.)

Then edit the file /etc/passwd which probably looks something like this


to this:


If you then close Cygwin and then start it up again everything should work


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