Order of -l on the command line, compared to linux..

Andrew Markebo flognat@flognat.myip.org
Tue Feb 19 01:53:00 GMT 2002


What is the diff between linker on linux and cygwin linker??

Basically, the problem is that 
        gcc -lX11 foo.o

works on linux, but not cygwin (missing symbols), on cygwin I have to
do it the order: 
        gcc foo.o -lX11

Is it a new feature in the gcc 2.96-version on my linux-machine, or
something else??

Just being curious, myself I preferr to throw the -l last, but I have
seen more and more people having a problem wanting to throw -lX11 at
the beginning, and wonder where they get the order from..


p.s. Yeah I know, X11 doesn't really belong here, but I assumed that I
have the same problem with any lib I try to link with.. 

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