1.3.9: Headers for IPC constants

Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Fri Feb 22 12:05:00 GMT 2002

If you are trying to actually USE ipc, then cygwin does not yet 
intrinsically support it (which is why cygwin doesn't define those macros.)

However, you can install the cygIPC package: (*)

Be sure and read the doco.


(*) check the cygwin-developers list; once the 'daemon merge' is 
complete, the framework for adding intrinsic IPC support for cygwin 
should be ready for contributions...

Jonathan Hayward wrote:

> I've got a piece of C code that references IPC_CREAT, IPC_PRIVATE, and 
> IPC_RMID. Grepping around turned up a Perl man page, but not a header 
> file containing those macros. Does anyone know how I can define a macro 
> that will satisfy this value?
> TIA,
> Jonathan
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