Updated: expat-1.95.4-1

Dr. Volker Zell Dr.Volker.Zell@oracle.com
Wed Jul 17 07:47:00 GMT 2002

>>>>> "Gerrit" == Gerrit P Haase <gp@familiehaase.de> writes:

    Gerrit> expat-1.95.4-1 has been uploaded to the Cygwin net distribution.
    Gerrit> Expat is an XML parser library written in C.

    Gerrit> It is a stream-oriented parser in which an application registers 
    Gerrit> handlers for things the parser might find in the XML document 
    Gerrit> (like start tags). 

    Gerrit> CHANGES (since expat-1.95.3-1):

    Gerrit> - Expat 1.95.3 is being withdrawn due to bug #566334, please see:
    Gerrit>   http://sf.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=566334&group_id=10127&atid=110127
    Gerrit> - Several other bugfixes, see the full list available at
    Gerrit>   http://www.libexpat.org/
    Gerrit> - Cygwin specific:
    Gerrit>   The doc directory was renamed to include the version, there is
    Gerrit>   also the HTML reference included now. -> /usr/doc/expat-1.95.4

I think this is still /usr/doc/expat although the HTML stuff is there ...


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