Hack Kampbjørn cygwin@hack.kampbjorn.com
Tue Mar 12 05:26:00 GMT 2002

Igor Bujna wrote:
> Hello,
> i install latest rxvt & ncurses from cygwin. I have this test program :
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <curses.h>
> #include <ctype.h>
> #define COLOR2    1
> #define COLOR1    2
> int main () {
>     int    c;
>     char *s;
>     initscr ();
>     cbreak ();
>     noecho ();
>     start_color ();
>     keypad (stdscr, TRUE);
>     curs_set(0);
>     if (!has_colors ()) {
>         endwin ();
>         fputs ("Hmm.. tady barvy nejdou !", stderr);
>         exit (1);
>     }
>     init_pair (COLOR1, COLOR_RED,     COLOR_BLUE);
>     init_pair (COLOR2, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK);
>     attron (COLOR_PAIR( COLOR1 ));
>     mvaddstr (2, 5, "Red on blue");
>     attron (COLOR_PAIR( COLOR2 ));
>     mvaddstr (3, 5, "Yellow on black");
>     attron (A_BOLD);
>     mvaddstr (4, 5, "Yellow on black & BOLD");
>     attroff (COLOR_PAIR( COLOR2 ));
>     mvaddstr (LINES-1, COLS-15, "F10 - konec");
>     mvaddstr (10, 5, "Name of keypad:");
>     while ( (c=getch()) != KEY_F(10)) {
>         s = (char *) keyname(c);
>         if (s)
>             mvprintw (10, 20, "'%s' - %i - %c ", s, c, c);
>         else
>             mvprintw (10, 20, "'%c'", (isprint(c) ? c : '.'));
>     }
>     erase ();
>     refresh ();
>     endwin ();
>     exit (0);
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------

Next time inlcude the compile line too it will save me to some manpages
for the exact -lncurses to use.

>  After start bash and runing this program and pressing key BACKSPACE i
> get this  'KEY_BACKSPACE' - 263 - ^G .
> When i start rxvt like this:
> start c:/cygwin/bin/rxvt -fn "Lucida ConsoleP-18" -tn rxvt-cygwin-native
> -geometry 100x39 -fg lightblue -bg midnightblue -vb -sr +sb -cr red -e
> /bin/bash
> And run this program and pressing key BACKSPACE i get this '^?' - 127 - ^?

If I start rxvt as just "C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -e
c:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe --login" I get "Hmm.. tady barvy nejdou !"
When I change the TERM=rxvt
I get "'KEY_BACKSPACE' - 263 - ^G" too when pressing the backspace key.

> Where is problem???

It can be a combination of several factors choose the ones that applies:
 o Your presumptions about what the results should be
 o Your rxvt configuration (or lack hereof)
 o Not reading the documentation (man rxvt)
 o Not understanding the manpage
 o Overlooking the section about "backspacekey"
 o Not searching the mailing lists archives

Note my .Xdefaults look like this:
$ cat ~/.Xdefaults 
XTerm.scrollBar: False
XTerm.saveLines: 2000
XTerm.font: Lucida Console-16
Rxvt.backspacekey: ^H

> Thanks

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn

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