regtool problem
Mon May 6 23:12:00 GMT 2002

I'm trying to use regtool to find the locations that software is
installed on a system, so as to write some post-install scripts
so that scripts like "word" and "excel" work (i.e., build in
pathname to executable, or define an MSOFFICE environment variable, or
whatever), and a desktop shortcut to start X11.

But I discovered on the way that regtool doesn't appear to work if the
key name has slashes in it.  E.g. while you can use cygpath -w to
determine the install directory for cygwin, you don't seem to be able
to do it with regtool.  I tried what seemed the right way:

regtool -p list "\HKLM\software\Cygnus solutions\cygwin\mounts v2\/\native"  

and every other combo I could think of, but always got the error:

Error: The system cannot find the file specified.

Regedit shows that the key and value is there.  I can't access it via
regtool, though.

What I really want, actually, is grepreg, so I can say:

	grepreg word\.exe

Ah, wait, I can answer my own question.  The "regtool -p list" shows
that those keys aren't "directories", so for such leaf keys you then
have to use a "get".  My trouble is the regtool terminology, I think. 
You have keys and values, and I wanted to find the value of the "value"
"\HKLM\software\Cygnus solutions\cygwin\mounts v2\/\native".

I guess regtool calls these leaf keys "values", and all the other keys
"keys".  I think the man page would be greatly helped if the terms key
and value in regtool's context were carefully defined.

BTW, where is the source code for regtool?  I guessed it might have been
in sh-utils or cyg-utils or even pkgconfig, but it isn't.  Is there a
way to find the package that a program comes from?


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