Problems with find -exec somecommand | tosomeother command

Randall R Schulz
Fri Oct 4 12:41:00 GMT 2002


[ Non-Cygwin-specific ]

Here's how I'd do this:

         find . -name "*.frm" -exec wc -l {} \;

The result looks something like this (I changed the ".frm" suffix to 
".java" for the purpose of finding some files on my system):

    1114 ./
     295 ./
      93 ./
      59 ./
     139 ./
     111 ./
      77 ./
    1379 ./
    4503 ./
     191 ./
     544 ./
     293 ./
    2431 ./
      91 ./
    1912 ./
     298 ./
     192 ./
     913 ./
     175 ./
     401 ./
    1848 ./
      81 ./
     133 ./

To let you know why what you tried wasn't working, you must realize that 
the pipe split the "find" command (and the "cat" subprocesses it spawns) 
from the "tail" command. The "-exec" option of find is pretty much just a 
means of invoking the Unix "exec(2)" system call. It is not like the 
"system(3)" library routine, which uses a shell to interpret the command 

If you want pipelines, glob expansion or other shell features in the 
commands executed by the "-exec" option, you should use "sh -c" or "bash 
-c". Note, too, that in that case the command argument to the "-c" option 
must be a single argument. This can get tricky as far as quoting and all. 
Fortunately, the "{}" marker into which the current "find" target is 
substituted does work when embedded within a larger string--it need not be 
an total, isolated "find" argument.

Good luck.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 11:39 2002-10-04, Sheryl McKeown wrote:
>I'm attempting to find the number of lines in each
>file of a source directory.
>Using bash, I'm using the following command:
>find . -name "*.frm" -exec cat -n {} | tail -n1 \;
>but it returns the error
>cfind: missing argument to `-exec'
>tail: ;: No such file or directory
>I've tried various quoting schemes but I can't seem to
>get it to work.
>I am running XP Prof SP1.
>Any help is appreciated.

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