Problems with network share access after sshing into machine

Sead Mujushi
Wed Oct 16 15:55:00 GMT 2002

G'day guys,

I have a problem that I think is related to permissions
but I'm not entirely sure. I've followed some of the
suggestions and tips that others and Corinna have posted
to no avail.

I have setup ssh on a Win2k machine running the cygwin
environment "cygwin01".

I've run
> % mkpasswd -d -l > /etc/passwd
> % mkgroup -d -l > /etc/group

I've got ssh working, I can login and get the Fanfare
motd message (which I changed) but network shares don't
appear once I've logged in.  The "wdsladm" login is
a domain account.

eg: Testing network share, sshing in then no longer being
able to access that share...

> CYGWIN01-wdsladm-~-266 % ls -l /cygdrive
> total 0
> drwxr-xr-x   26 wdsladm  None            0 Oct 16 10:39 i/
> CYGWIN01-wdsladm-~-268 % ssh localhost
> wdsladm@localhost's password:
> Last login: Wed Oct 16 14:06:06 2002 from
> You have logged in...
> CYGWIN01-wdsladm-~-250 % ls -l /cygdrive
> total 0
> CYGWIN01-wdsladm-~-251 %

I've tried mounting the directory using net use:

> CYGWIN01-wdsladm-~-312 % net use t: "\\\\sj-f760-2\\s"
> The command completed successfully.
> CYGWIN01-wdsladm-~-313 %  ls -l /cygdrive/t
> ls: /cygdrive/t: No such file or directory

But if I open a local bash connection to the machine (not
using ssh) it's successfull:

> CYGWIN01-wdsladm-~-250 % ls -l /cygdrive/t
> total 5
> -rw-r--r--    1 wdsladm  None         3736 Nov 26  2001 README

Any pointers or tips?

Thanks in advance.

PS: My 2 bits. I use rxvt and in a batch file I have listed
here is my incantation to rxvt to give me a half decent
terminal window. The bindings are set so that cut, copy and
paste works between windows and cygwin without having to deal
with the limitations of the cmd.exe interface:

c:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -g 120x45+100+100 -bg #000000 -fg #999999 -cr 
#00ff00 -pr #ff0000 -fn "Courier New-16" -sl 4096 -vb -e c:\cygwin\bin\bash
(Change your paths as appropriate.)

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